10-27-17-Willis Texas
Well who would believe we would be near Houston Texas when the Houston Astros won the pennant. This brings back so many 2015 memories when the Kansas City Royals won and the excitement the city felt. I am loving it!!
So last night they played their

I couldn't wait to get on the road especially after I had a real scare with my liver. My last ultrasound showed several spots on my liver so the doctor squeezed me in on a Thursday night before we took off to have an MRI. It turned out they were nothing so I was good to go. I had been considering skipping one of my bi-annual check-ups so that scare gave me a needed wake-up call. I will not miss any of my check-up even if it means we have to head home.
So we took off a week ago Monday and of course travel day is always stressful to me. I don't read the maps good enough for Richard, he gets frustrated. I think he drives too fast (65) because we are pulling a trailer and that makes me angry but I don't want to yell when I see the speedometer or I'll scare him. Just all kinds of things. We left the canoe and the kayak home because the park we are staying in would not allow us to put them around the trailer. That took that stress out of the trip because I am always worried that the canoe will fall off. I guess eventually I won't be so antsy on travel day. The problem is I know that if anything goes wrong with that truck or trailer it takes an arm and a leg to get fixed and we have to be careful on our retirement income. ICK!!!
So we got to Norman, Oklahoma and did our first boon docking night. WOW!! What an experience. We stopped at Riverwind Casino. There was one other RV parked there and they came right over and welcomed us and talked to us. They had been doing it for several years and were pros. They said the casino's are very safe. The minute we pulled in a casino staff member came over to us in a golf cart. We were afraid he was going to say we couldn't stay but we had looked it up online and it said overnight parking was welcome. He just wanted to welcome us and tell us the best spot and then offer us a ride to the casino. We were at the far end of the parking lot but there were bright lights and cameras everywhere. We settled in. We only opened one slide in the bedroom and didn't unhook the truck but we had water, toilet and electricity. It got down to 43 degrees so we were super comfortable. We did go to the casino and ate dinner and of course walked and walked so we got plenty of exercise. Played roulette for a few minutes. On my way out I through $10.00 in a slot and won $39.00 so we grabbed our winnings and headed home. We slept like babies. And best of all----the night was FREE. We'll definitely doing that again.
We got to the RV park and it is beautiful. Like the name, Majestic Pines, it is among beautiful tall pine trees in Willis, Texas. We are in a pull-thru spot with full hook ups for $450 a month. Free laundry and they keep the place spotless. They have level concrete pads and nice picnic tables. They blow off the streets and grass and best of all it is a gated park. We have a code to get in and out of the park. It is almost full and I'm sure that's why. Many are full timers here that stay for the winter. It is the quietest park we have ever been in. We have only seen 3 kids. They have pool and hot tub with mostly 60+ers so we all look 60+. We are loving it.
The Houston Astros took the Penate so lots of folks sit outside at night and watch the game on TV. Richard got ours all working for tonights first World Series game. Doesn't get any better than this!!
There is a nice town about 15 minutes away with Walmart and Krogers and everything else so when want something it's close. Now this is my idea of camping!!!
We've had lots of friends come over and sit outside and talk and eat. We are truly loving it. I think they understand how Dana Jones can retire and camp. Everyone is so shocked when we tell them that's what we're doing but it's glamour camping at it's best.
Richard said this morning, "Oh no we only have 3 weeks left until we head home." I feel the same way. Maybe we should stay 2 months in each state. We both hate travel days. It's the only time we disagree. So this is our wonderful month in Texas.
So we took off a week ago Monday and of course travel day is always stressful to me. I don't read the maps good enough for Richard, he gets frustrated. I think he drives too fast (65) because we are pulling a trailer and that makes me angry but I don't want to yell when I see the speedometer or I'll scare him. Just all kinds of things. We left the canoe and the kayak home because the park we are staying in would not allow us to put them around the trailer. That took that stress out of the trip because I am always worried that the canoe will fall off. I guess eventually I won't be so antsy on travel day. The problem is I know that if anything goes wrong with that truck or trailer it takes an arm and a leg to get fixed and we have to be careful on our retirement income. ICK!!!
So we got to Norman, Oklahoma and did our first boon docking night. WOW!! What an experience. We stopped at Riverwind Casino. There was one other RV parked there and they came right over and welcomed us and talked to us. They had been doing it for several years and were pros. They said the casino's are very safe. The minute we pulled in a casino staff member came over to us in a golf cart. We were afraid he was going to say we couldn't stay but we had looked it up online and it said overnight parking was welcome. He just wanted to welcome us and tell us the best spot and then offer us a ride to the casino. We were at the far end of the parking lot but there were bright lights and cameras everywhere. We settled in. We only opened one slide in the bedroom and didn't unhook the truck but we had water, toilet and electricity. It got down to 43 degrees so we were super comfortable. We did go to the casino and ate dinner and of course walked and walked so we got plenty of exercise. Played roulette for a few minutes. On my way out I through $10.00 in a slot and won $39.00 so we grabbed our winnings and headed home. We slept like babies. And best of all----the night was FREE. We'll definitely doing that again.
We got to the RV park and it is beautiful. Like the name, Majestic Pines, it is among beautiful tall pine trees in Willis, Texas. We are in a pull-thru spot with full hook ups for $450 a month. Free laundry and they keep the place spotless. They have level concrete pads and nice picnic tables. They blow off the streets and grass and best of all it is a gated park. We have a code to get in and out of the park. It is almost full and I'm sure that's why. Many are full timers here that stay for the winter. It is the quietest park we have ever been in. We have only seen 3 kids. They have pool and hot tub with mostly 60+ers so we all look 60+. We are loving it.
The Houston Astros took the Penate so lots of folks sit outside at night and watch the game on TV. Richard got ours all working for tonights first World Series game. Doesn't get any better than this!!
There is a nice town about 15 minutes away with Walmart and Krogers and everything else so when want something it's close. Now this is my idea of camping!!!
We've had lots of friends come over and sit outside and talk and eat. We are truly loving it. I think they understand how Dana Jones can retire and camp. Everyone is so shocked when we tell them that's what we're doing but it's glamour camping at it's best.
Richard said this morning, "Oh no we only have 3 weeks left until we head home." I feel the same way. Maybe we should stay 2 months in each state. We both hate travel days. It's the only time we disagree. So this is our wonderful month in Texas.
We got home or should I say my "son's" home and it's been a whirling couple of weeks. The house was immaculate when we arrived. That was nice. I was actually dreading being off the road but we had lots to do. My daughter Sherry and her family took off to Florida for their annual time share vacation and Richard covered the business. It still feels so weird being here and not going to work. So one day Richard had to go and do a reclean for the business. I thought I'd be a nice wife and go help him. I haven't helped him clean for at least 25 years and we didn't really work well together. He has his own way of doing things and his way or the byway. But I figured how bad could it be. It's just vacuuming and wiping cabinet tops. Time should be about an hour. So I went. Things were going pretty well until I went upstairs to vacuum the 4 bedrooms. The vacuum cleaner was a piece of CRAP!! Typical of the kind of equipment he uses. But ok, I will be nice and not complain. The handle was hanging in half and as I was trying to put it together he walked in and said, "wait, you have to be careful. You can't hold it from the handle, you have to reach down a little lower than the handle so it won't break." I said, You are kidding me right?" He said "I've used it for months this way." So he refined the duct tape handle repair and I started to vacuum. Have you ever had to "sort of bend down to vacuum? Not easy." It was a tug and push and I got madder by the minute. Then I decided I'd let the vacuum help me by using my hip to push it forward and wallaa, I got a shock on my hip. I said maybe I was just imagining it so I did it again. Nope, I was definitely getting electrocuted. Should I be surprised......the tip of the handle was missing and the cord was showing. I went downstairs and told him I was done, he could do the rest. I had done 2 1/2 bedrooms so I think I did pretty good. So I finished wiping and he wasn't saying anything because he knew I was ready to blow. And then I remembered why I quit this business, finished college and go my own job. I CANNOT WORK WITH THE MAN!!!!
When I stop to think about it I sorta get concerned with myself. This man that I love with all my heart would have been so happy living in a little trailer all his life and had me clean houses with him. OH MY GOD!! He has me exactly where he always wanted me to be. I guess 22 years at Children's Protective Services did the job for him. I'm so happy to be in a trailer helping him out!! Kind of scary wouldn't you say? Difference between 2017 and 1970 is I'm actually happy to be where I am. My desire for ambition, stuff and acceptance is GONE. I'm so satisfied to be in a small place with not a lot of stuff and my soul mate (not working)!!! That's what 65 years does to you!!!!
So we did all our doctor visits and although I had a scare because they found some spots on my liver, after an MRI found that it was nothing to worry about. Richard came out great. We both got our flu shots, pneumonia shots and shingle shots. We are good to go and go we will.
We had a wonderful 89th birthday celebration with my father while we were here. I had lunch with one of my favorite work friends and also dinner with my old Jackson County CD team. I've had Dad and Barbara over several times for dinner and all in all, it was a great two weeks but am I ever itching to go.
So tomorrow morning we hit the road to Willis Texas for a month. I can't wait. I wish it was going to be cooler that the 80's but I have lots of friends and family we can spent time with in air-conditioning I'm sure. Tomorrow night we plan on boon-docking for the first time. That is parking in a parking lot of a Walmart, Truck Stop or Casino. No hookups but we have about 20 gallons of fresh water in our tank and a generator that will run our air-conditioner as well as our wonderful king size bed. So here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I stop to think about it I sorta get concerned with myself. This man that I love with all my heart would have been so happy living in a little trailer all his life and had me clean houses with him. OH MY GOD!! He has me exactly where he always wanted me to be. I guess 22 years at Children's Protective Services did the job for him. I'm so happy to be in a trailer helping him out!! Kind of scary wouldn't you say? Difference between 2017 and 1970 is I'm actually happy to be where I am. My desire for ambition, stuff and acceptance is GONE. I'm so satisfied to be in a small place with not a lot of stuff and my soul mate (not working)!!! That's what 65 years does to you!!!!
So we did all our doctor visits and although I had a scare because they found some spots on my liver, after an MRI found that it was nothing to worry about. Richard came out great. We both got our flu shots, pneumonia shots and shingle shots. We are good to go and go we will.
We had a wonderful 89th birthday celebration with my father while we were here. I had lunch with one of my favorite work friends and also dinner with my old Jackson County CD team. I've had Dad and Barbara over several times for dinner and all in all, it was a great two weeks but am I ever itching to go.
So tomorrow morning we hit the road to Willis Texas for a month. I can't wait. I wish it was going to be cooler that the 80's but I have lots of friends and family we can spent time with in air-conditioning I'm sure. Tomorrow night we plan on boon-docking for the first time. That is parking in a parking lot of a Walmart, Truck Stop or Casino. No hookups but we have about 20 gallons of fresh water in our tank and a generator that will run our air-conditioner as well as our wonderful king size bed. So here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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