I have 20 more working days left and we're on our way!!! South Dakota is our first adventure!! We can't wait. Richard is getting a hitch put on the front of the truck because we have decided to carry the bikes on the front of the truck. Hopefully that will be our last pre-travel expense. We have about $10,000 in extras that we've purchased to get ready to be road ready. Glad that's done!!!That included the quiet generator twins, the camper shell, the electrical surge protector. Gosh there was so much!!! Those were the big things. There were a zillion little things like a small shop vac, all the HDMI cords, bedroom DVD player, set of iron skillets to cook outside on, comfortable outdoor chairs and on and on and on. But I'm sure it will be well worth it!!!

(c) Keeping Up with the Jones'
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it will be well worth it, your smile radiates life and happiness. You and Rickard look like 2 lil kids playing, I enjoy reading about your travels, this blog is a fabulous idea. Love you guys lots!!
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