September 9, 2017 -- We were all loaded up and ready to leave in the morning. We were so excited that we couldn't sleep and we thought we would leave around 8AM but by 6AM we couldn't bide our time anymore so we got in the truck and took off. We were so excited like little kids. Everything was fine until it looked like the canoe on the top was moving. So we measured how far it was from the trailer. We started out 27 inches and after a few hours it was 24. Richard tied it down tighter and we traveled to Cracker Barrel. We split a breakfast which is something we have decided to do when we go to restaurants because we always get too much. The split was perfect.
We left and were getting on the freeway and Richard heard a slight banging on the roof so he pulled over on the shoulder of the axis road and the trailer was now 15 inches from the trailer and obviously moving.
I was ready to take it off and leave it on the side of the road but he
worked until he thought it was tight again. I was scared to death
someone would come by and side swipe him.
We got underway and the first
thing I did was go on Amazon to see if I could find a better canoe
carrier. I did find one so we will probably get one before we leave. We
can have it delivered to General Delivery at the Yankton Post Office to
pick it up. Danger thwarted!!!

We got in to Chief White Crane Park but we had to cross a bridge over the Dam and you know how I hate bridges so I closed my eyes and we got here. The park is next to a nice lake which is next to the Missouri River. It's absolutely beautiful. However it was pouring down rain while we hooked up. We unhooked, leveled and tied into electricity and water and went inside. We were asleep by 7PM.
Travel days are not my favorite days but woke up this morning September 10, 2017 and it is drop dead gorgeous. We will hook everything else up today in between RELAXING. The park is almost empty because everyone has to go back to work tomorrow but guess what........NOT ME!!!
On those videos of dad on the side of the road .. all you need is a voiceover of what was in dad's mind at the time. I can imagine it now. It's pretty funny in my head.
You guys are too cute though.
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